
Per Page Set the number of activity per load by using the per_page attribute.

[learndash_activity_wall per_page="1"]

Activity Type

You can use the attribute activity_type to specify the type of activity to be displayed; all, course, lesson, quiz
[learndash_activity_wall activity_type="lesson" per_page="2"]


You can use the following status attribute to specify the status of user activity to be displayed. Available options are; all, started, completed
[learndash_activity_wall per_page="5" status="started"]

Show/Hide Load More Button

You can use the attribute show_load_more to show or hide the load more button.
[learndash_activity_wall show_load_more="0"]

Show or Hide Comments and Likes button

You can use the attribute show_comments or show_likes to show or hide the likes and comments.
[learndash_activity_wall show_comments="0" show_likes="0" per_page="2"]

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