Gallery - Shortcodes

Albums Shortcode


Use the albums shortcode to show a curated list of albums.

Filtering by Users

Default: none - Shows all
[um_gallery_albums user_id="1"] Use user_id getting an album for user with the ID 1
[um_gallery_albums user_id="1,2,44"] Separate IDs by commas to select multiple users

Filter by Usernames

Default: none - Shows all
[um_gallery_albums username="admin"] Use user login/username getting to get album for that user
[um_gallery_albumsusername="admin,john,sarah"] Separate usernames by commas to select multiple users

Filtering a specific album

Default: none - Shows all
[um_gallery_albums id="1"] Use id getting an album for user with the Album ID 1
[um_gallery_albums id="1,2,44"] Separate Album IDs by commas to select multiple albums

Limiting amount

[um_gallery_albums amount="15"] Use the attribute amount to limit the number albums to be displayed. Default: 100

Photos Shortcode


Use the shortcode to get all the recent photos uploaded. Here are few parameters to custom this shortcode

Param Usage Example
Used to only show photos from a certain category. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos category="1,4,99"]
exclude_category Used to exclude photos from certain categories. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos exclude_category="1,4,99"]
Used to only show photos from a certain tag. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos tags="1,4,99"]
Used to exclude photos from certain tags. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos exclude_tags="1,4,99"]
Used to only show photos by a certain user ID or multiple separated by commas. [um_gallery_photos user_id="1,8,9,10"]
Used to set the number of photos to be displayed or the amount per auto load [um_gallery_photos per_load="10"]
In order to skip a batch of photos, use page to see a next page/batch. [um_gallery_photos page="2"]
In order to stop photos from autoloading as you scroll, set this parameter to false. [um_gallery_photos auto_load="false"]
Used to set layout to be displayed. Options are grid, masonry [um_gallery_photos layout="masonry"]

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